Satya Vellore Photography


Blogs by Satya Vellore

Winter Blues (Not Really!)

I’ve lived in wintry and snowy places for the last thirty-plus years. Yet, until a few years ago, I did not like the winter season much, and cared even less for snow. After all, what was there to like? Short days, big heating bills, intolerable snow delays, tire-chains to fuss over, snow shoveling, the dirty slush at the curb by the driveway from reckless plows, damaged lawns, dry skin, chapped lips, layer upon layer of clothing to get on and off, … and so went the list of gripes. But all that has started to change and give way to the rightful place winter occupies in my heart now. Tranquility descends at winter time even as flakes of snow settle in to blanket the ground on overcast days. On bright days, the stark nakedness of the tree branches, bereft of their leaves, let in more sunshine to come through, it seems. This new-found appreciation for winter has got me wanting to get out into the woods more often and look for picturesque stories to tell on how unrestrained and beautiful winter-scape can be in high key shots. Snow events this season have been few and far between, but the last one was friendly enough for me to get about and be trigger happy. As I present below the pictures I took, John Steinbeck’s words come to mind. How profound?!

“What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness?” - John Steinbeck in “Travels with Charley: In Search of America”

Satya Vellore