Satya Vellore Photography


Blogs by Satya Vellore

The Lure of Seascapes

I can gaze at the sea for hours on end.  Having lived inland most of my life, the ocean always mystified me.  The enigma of what lies beyond the horizon and how the sun appears and disappears yonder at dawn and dusk fascinated me as a child, even as it does today.  The rocks on the shore, some polished by the waves to a smooth patina, while others adorned with moss and bathing in the sun always appeared to add a touch of happy green in contrast to the turquoise blue of the sea.  As a youngster, my summer vacation evenings at Chennai were often spent walking to the sandy white Marina beach and hanging out there watching tides crash to the shore washing up shells and sea-weed from afar.  The pleasant smell of the sea air and the distant mewing of the gulls – purring, grunting, squawking, crooning, squealing, hooting, and cooing – always helped to calm and put one into a meditative state.  The occasional toots of the ocean-going ships and barges were the only sounds that punctured the tranquility and made me wake up from my daydreams.  My fascination with the mysticism of the sea has now grown into a desire to capture and share the evocative feelings by way of pictures.  Please keep checking back as I will add to this collection of seascapes frequently.

Satya Vellore