Satya Vellore Photography


As long as I live, I’ll hear waterfalls and birds and winds sing. I’ll interpret the rocks, learn the language of flood, storm, and the avalanche. I’ll acquaint myself with the glaciers and wild gardens, and get as near the heart of the world as I can.”
— John Muir

Travelled to Massachusetts with fellow photographer friends and hiked down to Doane’s Falls in Royalston. Picturesque Doane’s Falls on Lawrence Brook tumbles down ferociously in a frothy frenzy to Tully Lake. The falls are named for Amos Doane, a landowner of early 19th century. He built a mill — 50 feet long and more than four stories tall — above the falls to manufacture doors, sashes, and blinds. Though Doane failed at his venture, a series of previous mills — grist, saw, pail, and fulling — had successfully operated on the falls.
