Satya Vellore Photography


Blogs by Satya Vellore

Art and Senior Well-Being

I wanted to post this piece which has languished on my list of subjects to write about for over a year.  My mom turned 86 not too long ago.  I am still amazed at her relentless focus on perfection and completion of anything she undertakes.  Many that know her would concur.  She’s exceptionally creative and gifted with many talents.  The one craft very dear to her heart is needlework.  She can spend hours on end knitting, sewing or embroidering.  We are thankful and proud that she occupies herself thusly.  In fact, for seniors engaging in art of one kind or the other the natural benefit is good health, physical and mental well-being (you can read more about it here).  I thought I’d showcase some of her recent work – bags and purses mainly – for the benefit of family and friends that don’t get to see her or her work during this pandemic.  She wants to give them all away (as usual, to family and friends). If you fancy any one of these bags or clutches, give me a call, we will figure out a way to get it to you – perhaps even talk you into donating to a charity that supports seniors in your area!

Satya Vellore